AAGH! I forgot to introduce you to my 'dogs!' For the record, I don't actually have any dogs. Or cats. Or rabbits. Or guinea pigs. Or hamsters. But I do have lots of fish. I will introduce you to them individually (because I actually don't have anything better to do).
Stubby is my personal favorite. He's a rubber-lip Plecostomus, and he actually looks like this:
He's a sucker mouth catfish and he swims around the tank eating algae with the mouth that's underneath his head... or at least, he's supposed to. Stubby revealed himself to be the world's only carnivorous pleco. That, and he's also mildly aggressive and occasionally nocturnal. Just like me! He changes the number of spots he has according to his mood. In the drawing above, he's hungry. In the photo above he's confused (Look at me! I'm the fish-whisperer!). When we go on vacation he goes into Stubby Shutdown Mode (SSM) and turns white with black 'meh' spots. Mom insisted on getting a large rock to stick in the tank when we first got it. Stubby spends hours just sitting on it. We think it's for 2 reasons. 1. The Rock smells like algae, so Stubby enjoys the aroma (Funny enough: he never actually eats algae...). 2. The Rock is smack in the middle of the tank, so 'King Stubby' can use his 'throne' as a place to bully all of the other fish into submission. Overall, I've never met a more lazy fish, but then again, I actually haven't met that many fish.
Jeremy and Louise are golden barbs. This is what they really look like:
(This picture is from a while ago. Jeremy is on the top) Louise is a little bit... okay, really overweight. They pretty much spend their time doing... fish things. They swim around the tank and eat when we feed them. Admittedly, that's about it.
Jester and Jordan are Harlequin Rasboras. Jester is male and Jordan is female. This is what they actually look like:
(Jester is on the top). You can tell them apart by looking at their back fins. Jordan has rounded ones, and Jester has pointed ones. They swim around and eat, and that's about it.
Riddle is a Round Red-Eye Tetra. Her original name was Tom Riddle (Voldemort's original name, from Harry Potter) because she has red eyes, but then we found out that she was female, so we dropped the 'Tom.' She used to have a male partner called Narcissus, but he died. This is what she really looks like:
She's a bit more aggressive than any of the other fish except Stubby, and apart from the occasional violent mood swing, where she chases another fish around the tank, Riddle also doesn't do much.
Those are all of my fish at the moment. We're planning on getting more, so I'll tell you if that happens. Now back to pranking!
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