Wednesday, December 26, 2012

10,000 Pageviews!

Yes, you heard it here first, Pranks-A-Lot has 10,000 pageviews! To celebrate this, I drew you a picture:

Put it everywhere! Pranks-A-Lot has 10,000 pageviews!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Header Edits



You may notice that I edited the header a bit. It now has a better drawing of me and the vegetables from "The Real Story of Evolution."


Monday, December 10, 2012


Hi, it's a very melancholy Pranky here with some truly awful news. I need heart surgery.

You see, I was diagnosed with a rare, yet serious, condition known as ALCAPA, which stands for Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery. Here's a diagram below:

As you can see, the heart on the left is normal, while the heart on the right has the same condition as I do. Mine was not a very serious case (if it was we would have discovered it many years ago), but it does require extensive surgery to correct it.

You may be thinking: 'Wow, Pranky! Those are some big words there!' and if you are, you're right. Along with being the world's most amazing prank-er, I'm also an academic junkie, so I spend lots of time correcting Gray Wolf's grammar usage (she warns me that if I do it one more time bad things will happen).

Anyway, my surgery is on the 18th of this month. I'll be in the hospital for a week after that, meaning I'll return home on Christmas Day. Because my birthday is the 22nd of this month, I'll also be spending that, and the impending Apocalypse (December 21st) in the hospital (However, I saw the Apocalypse coming. The second the Washington Redskins stopped being terrible, I knew something was wrong).

So wish me luck, and send me chocolate! :)

- Pranky

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pranksidental Election Results!

The votes are in, and the winner is about to be announced! Drum roll please! 

There were seven votes in this pranksidental election, a record turnout! 

And now:

In third place, with 0 votes: GRAY WOLF!

In second place, with 2 votes: TWISTY!

And in first place, with 5 votes: PRANKY!!! :D :D :D   

A Prank Today Means a Really Grumpy Person Tomorrow!

Pranky Prankster: Pranksident of the Pranking Universe!

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Pranksidental Election!

The polls aren't really in.... but here at Pranks-A-Lot we're holding our own election for 'Pranksident!' And the nominees are:

Pranky, the super-awesome writer of this blog, and in her opinion, the ultimate prankster.
A Prank Today Means a Really Grumpy Person Tomorrow!
Pranky's Campaign Promises:
"I will kill prank everybody who doesn't vote for me!"
"I will prank the people who have wronged me!"
"I have done more pranks than my opponent!"
"I will conTtinue to write this blog!"
"Twisty is trying to steal my glory, and the glory of the pranking universe! We must stop her before it's too late!"

Pranky's rival, the infamous Twisty, who viciously pranked Pranky, Gray Wolf, Hwi, and Cheesy in the middle of the night when Pranky couldn't walk!
Deep Down, You Know She's Nuts
 Twisty's Campaign Promises
"I will make gymnastics mandatory for everybody!"
"I will have fewer campaign promises than my opponent!"

Gray Wolf, who pranked Pranky with a stand-up, cardboard, life-size cutout of Albus Dumbledore.
Wolves Are Awesome
Gray Wolf's Campaign Promises:
 Nobody knows what goes on inside Gray Wolf's head.


Vote for the Winner Here:

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Sleep-Over

On Saturday night, I had a sleep-over with Gray Wolf, Hwi, Twisty, and Cheesy. A series of unfortunate events unfolds, and poof! I can't walk and I get pranked (let it suffice to say that both Hwi and Twisty are now on my hit-list). It kind of went down like this:

Warning: You are Entering an Exaggerated Version of a Real Event

It was about three in the morning. Of course, I had claimed the couch at the beginning of the sleep-over. Twisty, Cheesy, and Gray Wolf were to remain asleep, but Hwi was destined to be woken up by the daemon of terror that is Pranky.
 Yep. I woke up at 3:00 in the morning, grabbed a plastic light saber, crawled into Hwi's sleeping bag, and hit her on the head with said light saber (and woke everyone up). But wait! It gets worse!!
Hwi kicked me in the leg. I couldn't walk for three days! Yay! And to make it even worse, guess what I saw when I woke up.
Yep. We got TPd. It took us about five minutes to realize that Twisty was the only person who didn't have toilet paper all over her and that she must have done it. And then she claimed to be better at pranking than me!!!!!!!! She will pay for that.

Who's the better pranker?
Post your vote for the winner in the comments!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Creating the Perfect Halloween Costume

I know that this site is supposed to be about pranking people, but I decided to give you a 'how to' guide on making an awesome Halloween costume (and brag about the one I'm going to wear at the same time).

Pranky's Guide to Making the Perfect Halloween Costume in Lots of Not-so-simple Steps

Step 1: Choose a costume idea

This is probably the most straightforward of all of the steps. All you need to do is choose an idea:
(Click image to enlarge)
For those of you who don't know, I play the tuba. I chose to be a tuba for Halloween to represent the small percentage of tubists (fancy for 'a person who plays the tuba') who are female.

Step 2: Buy lots of foam board

Seriously! All of these costumes can be made with the right color foam board (orange for pumpkin, silver/white with silver spray paint for spatula and yellow, tan and pink for pencil). I'm using yellow foam board for my tuba costume. You'll also need:
An X-ACTO Knife
Something to use as as straps (caution tape, duct tape, etc.)
Decorations such as felt, glitter, and shiny stuff (optional)
Black marker (for details on something like a tuba)

Step 3: Make the costume

Unfortunately, this step really isn't very straightforward. You need to cut out the shape of the costume, glue/tape the straps on, put on any decorations you might need, see if the costume fits you, etc.

Credit your costume to Pranky!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Don't get excited, it's just an update (or is it?)

Hi! I'm currently working on a really long post, so I thought I should post and tell you that my arms are back. I'm also working on a line of Pranks-A-Lot products via Zazzle that I may decide to sell to the general public (it's not certain yet though, so don't explode from the sheer awesomeness of it). However, if I do create a line, I want you to pick the images that I put on them, so I'm going to post 10 classic Pranks-A-Lot drawings below and you can leave comments telling me which ones you like the best! Yay!

Pic 1

(Almost every post, originally from Bright Light Blanket Prank)

Pic 2

(From Death By Mud)

Pic 3

(From Bright Light Blanket Prank)

Pic 4

(From Spicy Snack Prank)

Pic 5

(From Forgotten Family Members)

Pic 6

(From Family Members)

Pic 7

(From Super Bacon Prank)

Pic 8

(From The Real Story of Evolution)

Pic 9

(From Death By Mud)

Pic 10

(From Wet Dad Prank)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted anything in a really long time. Both of my arms fell off.
Just kidding! I had major computer issues and lost all of my work! Luckily Blogger (the program that hosts me) saves everything I ever upload! Thank you Blogger! I'll be back to pranking as soon as I get my arms sewn back on!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Exploding Hamster Prank

My friend Birdy is very animal-oriented. So, naturally she freaked when I showed her this picture of a water baloon:

and told her that it was a hamster. Birdy actually believed this claim. She's still freaking out.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Death by Mud

Hwi is terrified of mud. I swear, I have never seen anybody so mysophobic (that's mudphobic in regular language). Hwi probably just dislikes mud, but when she gets dirty she freaks out and complains for hours, so Gray Wolf and I tend to laugh at her.

(This is after a car splashed a bunch of mud towards Hwi. Unfortunately, mud doesn't actually make an evil face and reach towards you, so this drawing is kind of exaggerated.)

Gray Wolf and I took note of this fear of mud, and decided to play the best prank ever. Gray Wolf invited Hwi and me to a sleep-over at her house, and in the middle of the night, we moved Hwi into the forest behind Gray Wolf's house and used a squirt gun to make the ground all around her wet and muddy.

Gray Wolf and I were so impressed with our own cunning that we went to bed and forgot about Hwi!
Unfortunately we only remembered her because she woke us up at about 2:00 am by her screaming.
Because of her Hwinertia (see family and friends page for pronunciation and definition), Hwi did not think that this was very funny. She screamed at us for several hours (I think that both Gray Wolf and I fell asleep during this shouting match), by which time my parents had arrived. Understandably, they were not amused by my evil abilities.
One of these days, I'm going to prank someone and not get grounded! Then they'll see!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Super Bacon Prank

I found this awesome website that lets you slap a slab of bacon onto any website. I totally pranked Gray Wolf by putting the bacon on a website that she's addicted to. (Here's the website: You just stick it in front of a web address and poof! Your website just got baconified. Here are two screenshot examples:

I sent an email to Gray Wolf that consisted of this:

Oh No!
Pranky Prankster
to Gray Wolf Growl

Gray Wolf! You won't believe what happened to Howrse! Click here to find out! It's terrible! It's the end of the world!!!

Naturally, Gray Wolf clicked on the link, and she saw this:

And then she freaked out. The return email said:

Re: Oh No!
Gray Wolf Growl
to Pranky Prankster


I imagined this:

Oh, Gray Wolf. Of all the things to think that the world is ending over, why did you choose seeing a slab of bacon on your favorite website courtesy of your evil friend?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Real Story of Evolution

Brother can be really gullible. Several years ago, I told him the real story of evolution:

And then Evolution happened...
This actually frightened Brother, so he stopped eating vegetables, believing that they would turn into people wearing vegetable-colored clothes with leaves on their heads.As you can imagine, this caused quite a scene at the dinner table one night.

 Mom and Brother screamed at each other for a while, and then Brother revealed the real story of evolution for the whole family to hear. As you can imagine, my parents were not impressed.
Every. Single. Time.