Saturday, May 18, 2013

That Time I Dumped Cheez-Its on Gray Wolf's Head

As I said, Gray Wolf thinks she's special, and that she can be driven to school every day without consequences. Hwi and I decided to stop the madness, and get back at her in some unimaginable way to convince her that she's just like the two of us: slightly abnormal. Hwi and I spent hours brainstorming ideas.

Hwi doesn't seem to understand the concept that you simply can't freeze a person without killing them. Fish and frogs can use sugar in their blood as an antifreeze, but if a person tried to do that, it would kill them, and so would the actual freezing process.
(You get the picture, right?) Anyway, Hwi's far-fetched ideas of freezing Gray Wolf, locking her on the roof, prank calling her (again), or my favorite, splashing mud at her (only you mind that, Hwi!), didn't really get us anywhere, so I had to improvise. That day at lunch:
Gray Wolf's really scary when she's angry. Did you know that?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The True Story of Why I Haven't Been Posting Very Much

To tell you guys the truth, I suck at commitments, and when I say 'suck' I mean 'SUCK' in all caps. Ever since I was a little kid, I could never commit to anything for longer than a week. I would start writing a novel, and be SURE that THIS was the one that was going to get me into Harvard.

Then, of course, less than a week later, I would abandon my 'novel' in search of something that was more likely to happen. Sadly, life has taught me (thus far) that you should never commit to anything remotely difficult, because you might fail miserably at it and have everyone laugh at you.

This is my day-to-day life. Sitting around in school, even though I know the answers to questions just because it would require too much effort to raise my hand and say "India." The only real exception to this is science class.

After watching 88 hours of my favorite TV show, Fringe, I've decided that I REALLY want to be a biochemist. During science class (which is life science this year), I'm hyper-focused and I answer EVERY question, no matter how much I just want to fall asleep. In most of my classes, my thoughts, if translated into a visual, would look like this:

However, in science class, my thoughts are more like this:

(Somehow I still manage to get straight 'A's. I still can't figure out how I do it!)

This appears to have turned into a rant about how I can't focus. The real reason I haven't been posting is that I'm the laziest person on the planet and can't be bothered to do anything. I'll try harder, but it might not get any better.

I can't really think of a good way to end this post, so here's a picture of a doughnut (I drew it with sprinkles just for you!):