Saturday, October 13, 2012

Creating the Perfect Halloween Costume

I know that this site is supposed to be about pranking people, but I decided to give you a 'how to' guide on making an awesome Halloween costume (and brag about the one I'm going to wear at the same time).

Pranky's Guide to Making the Perfect Halloween Costume in Lots of Not-so-simple Steps

Step 1: Choose a costume idea

This is probably the most straightforward of all of the steps. All you need to do is choose an idea:
(Click image to enlarge)
For those of you who don't know, I play the tuba. I chose to be a tuba for Halloween to represent the small percentage of tubists (fancy for 'a person who plays the tuba') who are female.

Step 2: Buy lots of foam board

Seriously! All of these costumes can be made with the right color foam board (orange for pumpkin, silver/white with silver spray paint for spatula and yellow, tan and pink for pencil). I'm using yellow foam board for my tuba costume. You'll also need:
An X-ACTO Knife
Something to use as as straps (caution tape, duct tape, etc.)
Decorations such as felt, glitter, and shiny stuff (optional)
Black marker (for details on something like a tuba)

Step 3: Make the costume

Unfortunately, this step really isn't very straightforward. You need to cut out the shape of the costume, glue/tape the straps on, put on any decorations you might need, see if the costume fits you, etc.

Credit your costume to Pranky!