Sunday, September 30, 2012

Don't get excited, it's just an update (or is it?)

Hi! I'm currently working on a really long post, so I thought I should post and tell you that my arms are back. I'm also working on a line of Pranks-A-Lot products via Zazzle that I may decide to sell to the general public (it's not certain yet though, so don't explode from the sheer awesomeness of it). However, if I do create a line, I want you to pick the images that I put on them, so I'm going to post 10 classic Pranks-A-Lot drawings below and you can leave comments telling me which ones you like the best! Yay!

Pic 1

(Almost every post, originally from Bright Light Blanket Prank)

Pic 2

(From Death By Mud)

Pic 3

(From Bright Light Blanket Prank)

Pic 4

(From Spicy Snack Prank)

Pic 5

(From Forgotten Family Members)

Pic 6

(From Family Members)

Pic 7

(From Super Bacon Prank)

Pic 8

(From The Real Story of Evolution)

Pic 9

(From Death By Mud)

Pic 10

(From Wet Dad Prank)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted anything in a really long time. Both of my arms fell off.
Just kidding! I had major computer issues and lost all of my work! Luckily Blogger (the program that hosts me) saves everything I ever upload! Thank you Blogger! I'll be back to pranking as soon as I get my arms sewn back on!