Monday, December 10, 2012


Hi, it's a very melancholy Pranky here with some truly awful news. I need heart surgery.

You see, I was diagnosed with a rare, yet serious, condition known as ALCAPA, which stands for Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery. Here's a diagram below:

As you can see, the heart on the left is normal, while the heart on the right has the same condition as I do. Mine was not a very serious case (if it was we would have discovered it many years ago), but it does require extensive surgery to correct it.

You may be thinking: 'Wow, Pranky! Those are some big words there!' and if you are, you're right. Along with being the world's most amazing prank-er, I'm also an academic junkie, so I spend lots of time correcting Gray Wolf's grammar usage (she warns me that if I do it one more time bad things will happen).

Anyway, my surgery is on the 18th of this month. I'll be in the hospital for a week after that, meaning I'll return home on Christmas Day. Because my birthday is the 22nd of this month, I'll also be spending that, and the impending Apocalypse (December 21st) in the hospital (However, I saw the Apocalypse coming. The second the Washington Redskins stopped being terrible, I knew something was wrong).

So wish me luck, and send me chocolate! :)

- Pranky


  1. Pranky, we are so glad you made it. You can prank us whenever you want.
